Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Finishing Touches

It's a sweater!

It's official I've finished knitting the sweater.  All that's left are the finishing touches:

  1. Weave in ends
  2. Block the sweater
  3. Sew sleeve seams
  4. Sew sleeve hems
  5. Sew front band facings to inside of front edge
  6. Sew zipper to front bands
  7. Fold and sew collar
Complete steps 1 to 7 and I'll have a finished sweater. So close.

Now to figure out how the hell to block a sweater.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yoke? What's a Yoke?

It looks like a sweater now!

Seriously, what is a yoke?  I've never heard the word yoke used in this context.  Whatever, I'm working on the chest and neck area that's all that matters.

For some reason I've gotten myself into the most trouble in this section.  I first had to attach the sleeves to the lower body, by simply knitting everything off the spare needles in order. Right-front, sleeve, back, sleeve, left-front.  I counted the stitches to make sure I had 316 (yes, 316!), all was well.  It's when I started knitting up the work that I started to run into problems.

First, when I hit the section where I attached a sleeve it became incredibly difficult to maneuver my needles.  It's hard to explain, but essentially my needles were tied together by 4 bind-off stitches.  This did not give me a lot of room to change the needle's angles in relation to each other making it very hard to go under and knit the stitches (does this make sense?).  This didn't bug me for too long, since after knitting several rows it was a non-issue.  It wasn't until I recounted the amount of stitches I had on my needles after knitting 18 rows did I realize something was terribly wrong.

I was missing 9 stitches!  How does this even happen?  It could be that I wasn't paying attention and decreased too many stitches here and there.  I'm supposed to be decreasing 8 stitches every right-side row.  The balance of stitches between the separate sections of sleeves and front/back of the sweater were all out of whack.  I spent some time looking at possible increases that wouldn't be too noticeable to fix this stupid mistake.  I settled on M1L (make 1 left).  I can't even see where I added these stitches anymore, so I guess I picked the right method.

I have 30 more rows of the yoke to knit then I have to shape the collar and finally bond off.  I'm so close to finishing this sweater.